
Jean-Louis Mergny got his PhD in 1991 (University Paris VI) under the supervision of T. Garestier & M. Rougée (Triple-helices: spectroscopic studies) in Claude Hélèné’s laboratory. He went for a postdoctoral position in Basel, Switzerland with W. Gehring (Biozentrum). Afterwards he was hired by INSERM in 1993 in the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, where he worked mainly on nucleic acids structures from a biophysical point of view. He was promoted Research Director in 2002, and he joined the European Institute of Chemistry & Biology (IECB) in September 2009. In 2019, he moved to École Polytechnique, the top university in France and Europe, and was selected as an academician of Academia Europaea (https://www.ae-info.org). Jean-Louis Mergny acts as an Associate Editor for the Elsevier journals Biochimie and Methods, and serves as the co-chair of the G4 society (http://www.g4-society.org).

  Jun Zhou received undergraduate degree from Changchun Normal University (2003), MSc from Jilin University (2006), and PhD from Dalian Institute of Chemical physics (DICP), CAS (2010). He worked at European Institute of Biology and Chemistry, located in University of Bordeaux campus, France, as post-doc training for three years, and got distinguished Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship (MC-IIF) in 2011. He joined State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, DICP, in 2014, then moved to State Key Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry for Life Science, Nanjing University, and established his own research group in 2015. He continues his long-standing interest in unusual nucleic acids.